Read and Discuss with Friends




General Questions

This book is historical fiction.  Are the characters and the storyline believable?  Why or why not?

Lillian and Mildred’s lives from young adult to death are covered in this book.  What early experiences in their lives helped define their development?

They both came from large families who supported them but in quite different ways.  How do you think their relationship with their families impacted their ministry?

What experiences did these women have that resonated with your own experiences?

In what way do you think the title of the book reflects their story?

At what places in the book did you feel anger, sadness, victory, frustration or some other strong emotion?

The author seldom drew conclusions about people or events, leaving it to the reader to draw their own conclusions. Do you like this technique or do you prefer the author provide conclusive perspectives? Why?

Physical appearance and clothing were a reoccurring theme in this book?  Why do you think clothing was so important to Lillian and Mildred?  Is it important today?

What role did the men in their lives play?  Can women achieve their goals in a male-dominated field without the assistance of men?  Why do you think that?

If you read the author’s own story in the epilogue, how do you think her story influenced the story she wrote about Mildred and Lillian?

If you could ask the author a question, what would it be?

Try your own hand by writing a letter to Lillian and/or Mildred?  What do you want to tell them?

A major theme of this book is women’s rights.  Today, when gender is more fluid, less binary, how might this story play itself out?  Consider how Mildred described herself in the chapter on Lynnhaven as androgynous.


Clergywomen and Men

For Clergywomen

What experiences did Lillian and Mildred have that surprised you? 

What experiences did they have that you have also had?

Clearly, advances have been made but what still needs to be changed?

For Men

Describe times you have stepped out to support a female in her life?

What did you learn about women and their experiences by reading this book?

How can you use your status as a male to help women break through barriers today?